23.Декабрь.2024 07:53:23
День добрый.
Столкнулись с проблемой. @Asya
Если в приложении войти как продавец и в поле Адрес доставки попытаться сменить адрес или дополнить его и т.д то выдает ошибку, скрин во вложении. Нужно переходить и редактировать в админ панели или в моб версии сайта.
В Приложении не удается сменить адрес доставки. Проверьте пожалуйста.
От лица покупателя меняет Адрес доставки без проблем.
С уважением, Артур.
22.Январь.2025 12:28:23
Здравствуйте, @ARTUR
Спасибо за ваше сообщение.
В тестовом мобильном приложении не воспроизвожу проблему. Стоит заметить, что в конце прошлого года вышел релиз мобильного приложения с исправлением многих багов.
22.Январь.2025 12:31:15
Да, которое я сейчас тестирую с Михаилом, и ничего там не исправлено. Т.е те проблемы о которых я писал актуальны на 22.01.2025г жду исправления багов по сей день.
В данный момент у меня версия висит в TestFlight 2.0.2 (1) в ней также вопроизводится! Проверьте пожалуйста.
22.Январь.2025 12:33:12
Релиз включает в себя следующие изменения:
New Features and Improvements:
-Firebase push notification API has been updated to HTTP v1. -React Native version was updated.
Bug Fixes:
The buttons were close to the bottom edges of the screen.
Values for product features may not have been assigned.
The errors occurred while editing products using PHP 8.1.
When selecting shipping, the chosen shipping was not saved and upon subsequent receipt of cart data, the chosen shipping was reset.
The file could not be uploaded in the “File” field.
There were no translations in the “Seller’s Orders” section.
There were no photos in the reviews section.
Link to category in banner broke the app.
Loaded variation icons may have been cut off.
Banners: The banners might have developed margins on devices with larger screens.
The order may have been duplicated when placed.
Bonus coupon not applied.
The order page didn’t open when clicking on the push notification about a status change.
The response to the seller review might not have been displayed in full.
There were no notifications during registration if manual account activation was enabled in the store settings.
The profile page was opened when returning to the previous category while creating a product.
The product name in the product availability notice did not match the current language.
The display position of the product features did not match the position in the admin panel.
A white screen was displayed when loading the application.
The payment methods order in the application did not match the order in the admin panel.
The account data was not displayed when re-authorizing via Apple ID.
Some sites might notify you that your browser is out of date.
Some links in the WebView might not open.
The keyboard was automatically hidden when entering a single character in the product options fields with the “Text” and “Text Area”.
When creating a new product, an image from another product could be displayed.
The category pages didn’t open via the link.
Two product links were copied when using the ‘Share’ button.
Shipping costs were not recalculated when using delivery methods from the marketplace.
The mobile app displayed unsupported payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
The “mobile_select_pickup_item” language variable was not translated into other languages on the shipping selection page at checkout.
The description of the delivery method was displayed incorrectly when using an RTL language.
The buttons when creating a new product were located close to the bottom menu.
22.Январь.2025 12:36:51
Да, я скачивал ваше приложение MV что висит в AppStore и читал, с этим же вопросом и написал в HD
Ответ на мой запрос (скрин)
Поэтому, переведите пожалуйста с Исправленные в Баг ))
Мы ждем когда исправят и наши ошибки с промо-кодом PUSH уведмоления и прочее. Данную проблему я воспроизвел после, поэтому вряд ли о ней знали разработчики, т.к о всех багах вашего приложения я единственный пишу
22.Январь.2025 12:53:42
Релиз включает в себя следующие изменения:
New Features and Improvements:
-Firebase push notification API has been updated to HTTP v1. -React Native version was updated.
Bug Fixes:
The buttons were close to the bottom edges of the screen.
Values for product features may not have been assigned.
The errors occurred while editing products using PHP 8.1.
When selecting shipping, the chosen shipping was not saved and upon subsequent receipt of cart data, the chosen shipping was reset.
The file could not be uploaded in the “File” field.
There were no translations in the “Seller’s Orders” section.
There were no photos in the reviews section.
Link to category in banner broke the app.
Loaded variation icons may have been cut off.
Banners: The banners might have developed margins on devices with larger screens.
The order may have been duplicated when placed.
Bonus coupon not applied.
The order page didn’t open when clicking on the push notification about a status change.
The response to the seller review might not have been displayed in full.
There were no notifications during registration if manual account activation was enabled in the store settings.
The profile page was opened when returning to the previous category while creating a product.
The product name in the product availability notice did not match the current language.
The display position of the product features did not match the position in the admin panel.
A white screen was displayed when loading the application.
The payment methods order in the application did not match the order in the admin panel.
The account data was not displayed when re-authorizing via Apple ID.
Some sites might notify you that your browser is out of date.
Some links in the WebView might not open.
The keyboard was automatically hidden when entering a single character in the product options fields with the “Text” and “Text Area”.
When creating a new product, an image from another product could be displayed.
The category pages didn’t open via the link.
Two product links were copied when using the ‘Share’ button.
Shipping costs were not recalculated when using delivery methods from the marketplace.
The mobile app displayed unsupported payment methods such as Apple Pay and Google Pay.
The “mobile_select_pickup_item” language variable was not translated into other languages on the shipping selection page at checkout.
The description of the delivery method was displayed incorrectly when using an RTL language.
The buttons when creating a new product were located close to the bottom menu.
Все эти ошибки я сообщил вашей команде, еще полный список есть в HD в переписках длинною в жизнь. Предложения есть которые улучшат ваше моб приложение, хотя, уже есть куча партнеров которые взялись за моб приложения, и сделали довольно таки отличные приложения, и распродают их. Двоим я уже порекомендовал приложение от cart-power.
2 лайка