При обновлении cs-cart не обновляется массив tweaks

У меня клиенты со старых версий тянутся вот пример tweaks

$config[‘tweaks’] = array (
// Whether to remove any javascript code from description and name of product, category, etc.
// Auto - false for ULT, true for MVE.
‘sanitize_user_html’ => ‘auto’,
‘anti_csrf’ => true, // protect forms from CSRF attacks
‘disable_block_cache’ => false, // used to disable block cache
‘disable_localizations’ => true, // Disable Localizations functionality
‘disable_dhtml’ => false, // Disable Ajax-based pagination and Ajax-based “Add to cart” button
‘dev_js’ => false, // set to true to disable js files compilation
‘redirect_to_cart’ => false, // Redirect customer to the cart contents page. Used with the “disable_dhtml” setting.
‘api_https_only’ => false, // Allows the use the API functionality only by the HTTPS protocol
‘api_allow_customer’ => false, // Allow open API for unauthorized customers
‘lazy_thumbnails’ => false, // generate image thumbnails on the fly
‘image_resize_lib’ => ‘imagick’, // library to resize images - “auto”, “gd” or “imagick”
‘products_found_rows_no_cache_limit’ => 100, // Max count of SQL found rows without saving to cache
‘show_database_changes’ => false, // Show database changes in View changes tool

у клиента 4.16.2 у него должно быть

$config[‘tweaks’] = array (
// Whether to remove any javascript code from description and name of product, category, etc.
// Auto - false for ULT, true for MVE.
‘sanitize_user_html’ => ‘auto’,
‘anti_csrf’ => true, // protect forms from CSRF attacks
‘disable_block_cache’ => false, // used to disable block cache
‘disable_localizations’ => true, // Disable Localizations functionality
‘disable_dhtml’ => false, // Disable Ajax-based pagination and Ajax-based “Add to cart” button
‘do_not_apply_promotions_on_order_update’ => false, // If true, the promotions that applied to the order won’t be changed when editing the order. New promotions won’t be applied to the order.
‘dev_js’ => false, // set to true to disable js files compilation
‘redirect_to_cart’ => false, // Redirect customer to the cart contents page. Used with the “disable_dhtml” setting.
‘api_https_only’ => false, // Allows the use the API functionality only by the HTTPS protocol
‘api_allow_customer’ => false, // Allow open API for unauthorized customers
‘lazy_thumbnails’ => false, // generate image thumbnails on the fly
‘image_resize_lib’ => ‘auto’, // library to resize images - “auto”, “gd” or “imagick”
‘products_found_rows_no_cache_limit’ => 100, // Max count of SQL found rows without saving to cache
‘show_database_changes’ => false, // Show database changes in View changes tool
‘backup_db_mysqldump’ => false, // Backup database using mysqldump when available
‘allow_product_filters_to_create_temporary_table’ => true, // Allows product filters to create temporary table for products query
‘request_errors_threshold’ => 30, // Threshold for the number of errors when an email realtime delivery error notification is triggered
‘profile_field_max_upload_filesize’ => ‘10M’, //Limit max upload file size for profile fields
‘validate_menu’ => true, // Disable option to add any new element to top and central admin panel menu and to Add-ons top menu element.
‘secure_cookies’ => true, // Allow to set “Secure” flag to cookies, if your store works with HTTPS. P.S. All users will be log out, also, all abandoned carts will lost.
‘cors_allowlist’ => [], // CORS enabled domains, e.g. [‘domain1.com’, ‘domain2.com’]
‘csp_frame_ancestors’ => [], // The HTTP Content-Security-Policy (CSP) frame-ancestors directive specifies valid parents that may embed a page using
‘allow_global_individual_settings’ => true, // Allow global individual settings (Track inventory, Options type, Zero price action etc.)
‘show_marketplace_logs’ => false, // Allow to show logs of all requests to marketplace
‘disable_resource_preloading’ => false, // Allows to disable resource preloading for the theme
‘max_fonts_to_preload’ => 1, // Maximum amount of fonts to preload
‘show_helpdesk_logs’ => false, // Allows showing logs of all requests to Help Desk service

понятно, что вы не можете обновлять config.local.php но вы же можете засунуть это в config.php а local.php переопределит.

Банально я сейчас не понимал что не так с логикой промо на двух сборках, оказалось дело в

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